Degree & Certificate Requirements


A degree candidate must fulfill the following general requirements:

  • Complete the course distribution and credit hour requirements as prescribed in the program of study.
  • Complete a minimum of 24 credit hours at Monroe Community College.
  • Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 upon completion of a program.
  • Satisfactorily meet all college obligations.

In accordance with section 3.47 of the rules of the New York State Board of Regents, in order to graduate from Monroe Community College, students must have completed one of the following:

  • a high school diploma from a state recognized high school
  • an equivalent four-year high school course of study as certified by the superintendent of schools of the candidate’s school district of residence at the time such course was completed 
  • a legally valid high school equivalency diploma
  • 24 semester hours or the equivalent of college course work distributed in subjects in accordance with the requirements set by the New York State Education Department and verified by Monroe Community College or
  • a college degree from a degree-granting institution accredited by an accrediting agency approved by the United States Department of Education.


The College will also award a certificate to students fulfilling the following general requirements:

  • Complete the course distribution and credit hour requirement as prescribed in the certificate program.
  • Complete at least 50% of the credit hours at Monroe Community College.
  • Attain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 upon completion of the program.
  • Satisfactorily meet all college obligations.


Students may earn a second degree at Monroe Community College if they comply with the following guidelines:

  • Explore the advantages with a counselor or advisor in the Admissions Office or Advisement and Transfer Services on the Brighton Campus or the Student Engagement Center at the Downtown Campus.
  • Pursue a second degree that is in a substantially different area of study from the first degree received.
  • Earning a second degree should result in academic and/or employment advantages.
  • Complete an additional twelve credits at MCC in the curriculum for which the student seeks to qualify for the degree and satisfy the degree requirements (as previously stated) for the program
  • Students should contact the Admissions Office at the Brighton Campus or the Student Engagement Center at the Downtown Campus for an application for readmission as a second degree candidate.
  • Students may not be matriculated into two high demand health programs simultaneously.
  • Students who are seeking a second degree in the same semester should contact Graduation Services ( for the correct procedure.